Cookie Notice

  • Procurement Services
  • Onecard System
  • Replacing Your OneCard
  • Replacing Your OneCard

    Lost or Stolen OneCards

    If you lose your OneCard or if it is stolen you must report the loss to the Department of Campus Safety.  The Office of Campus Safety will immediately deactivate the card for the safety and security of the Goucher community, as well as to protect the cardholder from monetary loss.

    Replacement OneCards are issued by Campus Safety for a non-refundable fee of $10. If the old OneCard is found at a later date individuals may not request a refund as the old card will no longer be active in our system.  

    Never give your card to anyone. If you lose your card, report it immediately to the Office of Campus Safety at 410-337-6112.

    Damaged OneCards

    If your OneCard fails to work for any reason, please take it to the Office of Campus Safety in Heubeck Hall. If we can't fix the problem, we'll provide you with a new card for a replacement fee of $10.

    We will not charge you to replace your card under the following circumstances:

    Hole Punching your OneCard

    Never punch a hole in your OneCard. A magstripe on the rear of the card and a computer chip embedded in the OneCard activate the proximity reader door access system. Punching a hole in your OneCard could damage the magstripe or the chip, rendering your OneCard useless. If this occurs, the OneCard will have to be replaced, at your expense.