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  • Registrar
  • Policies & Procedures
  • Academic Standing
  • Academic Standing

    At the end of every term (fall, winter, spring, and summer), students’ grades are reviewed to determine their academic standing at the College. Students need to have a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA) to remain in good academic standing.

    The grade point average table below states the minimum standards for cumulative GPA based on Goucher work only.

    Credits Attempted 0-27 28-57 58 and up
    Minimum GPA to remain in good standing 2.0 2.0 2.0
    Minimum GPA to remain at Goucher 1.6 1.7 1.8

    Academic Status Categories

    Depending on the cum GPA achieved, students could find themselves in one of the following academic standing categories:

    1. Good Academic Standing: When a student earns a 2.0 cumulative GPA or above. Students in Good Academic Standing may receive an Academic Warning when a student with a satisfactory cumulative GPA receives two or more failing grades or earns a semester GPA below 2.00. For first semester first-year students only, the GPA for academic warning falls between 1.80 and 1.99.
    2. Academic Probation: When a student earns a cumulative GPA below that required to remain in good standing. For first semester first-year students only, the GPA for academic probation falls between 1.60 and 1.79.
    3. Academic Suspension: When a student earns a cumulative GPA below that required to remain in good standing for two or more consecutive semesters.
    4. Academic Dismissal: If a student is suspended for the second time, the student may be dismissed.


    An academic warning does not affect a student's status at the College, but it should serve to alert students that we are concerned for their academic standing and progress and that they should take steps to address the issues that caused their difficulty in a specific semester. Students that are on warning may enroll in LL 110.


    All students placed on probation are required to enroll in a 2-credit Learn-to-Learn course the following semester (LL110). In this course, students will learn essential skills for success in college and apply what they learn in this class to their other classes. Students will not incur additional cost for this course. This course will also allow students to attain good academic standing sooner, as it is credit-bearing. If for any reason a student wishes to opt-out of this course, the student should write to Kimberly Meisel, director of academic advising and support, with their availability to make an appointment.

    Students’ academic record will be automatically reviewed at the end of the following semester. If students achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.0 with no grade of F, they will return to Good Academic Standing. On the other hand, if their performance does not improve, they may risk academic suspension.

    Students on academic probation may have up to two semesters within which to achieve good academic standing. A student on academic probation may not hold an elected office in any college organization, compete in any varsity sport, or register for more than 16 credit hours in a semester.


    Students who are suspended must leave the College but may return to Goucher after completing 12 credits hours of course work (excluding summer and winter school) at another college or university with no grade below a C. Or students may be reinstated after one year of full-time employment and submission of a letter from the employer stating the dates of employment and quality of work. To request to return to the College, students need to complete a Reinstatement form (PDF).

    You can appeal an Academic Status decision

    If you currently hold an office in Student Government or are a varsity athlete, or you believe that you should not be placed on probation or suspended, you may wish to appeal this decision.

    The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Office of the Associate Provost by the deadline specified in the academic standing letter. It should reflect upon and identify what led to your lack of academic success and present actions, behavioral changes, and supports/resources that you can take advantage of to achieve sustainable academic success. Strong letters will focus on the aspects of the situation that were within the student's control and identify concrete and specific steps that they will take to ensure satisfactory academic performance in future semesters. In the case of suspended students, the letter should also indicate what the student has done during their time away from school to prepare for a successful re-enrollment. The decision of the committee will be final. If it is agreed that the plan is feasible, the student will be required to adhere to the plan for all remaining semesters. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee, which consists of faculty serving on the Academic Policies Committee (APC) and by the director of academic advising and support. APC meets in a closed session after every semester to review written appeals.