• Alumnae/i
  • Class Reps
  • Class Representatives

    Thank you to the wonderful class notes representatives, who are the facilitators of your class news! We greatly value and appreciate the work they do to keep you connected to Goucher and with each other!

    Class Notes Guidelines

    Goucher Magazine is printed twice annually, in winter and summer. Class Notes highlights news and accomplishments from alumnae and alumni, and is not put online.

    Submitting Class Notes

    You may submit your class note two ways:

    1. Contact your class notes representative via phone or email.
    2. If a representative is not listed, use the Share Your News form to send your information directly to Goucher.

    Note: Please do not submit to both your Class Notes representative and the Share Your News form.

    Word Limit

    Each class is given a maximum limit of 500 words. We recognize this may mean cutting down submissions or excluding submissions at the discretion of the editorial staff. We regret that we cannot include all the news and notes we receive.


    Summer issue: Please submit all notes online or to the Class Notes rep by March 15.

    Winter issue: Please submit all notes online or to the Class Notes rep by September 15.

    Any news received through the form after the deadline may be used as a news item on the alumnae/i news webpage or shared with fellow alumnae/i on social media.


    Goucher Magazine will occasionally highlight the passing of a notable alumna/us or faculty or staff member, but we no longer include full obituaries in the magazine. We regret we do not have the space to include this information. However, we will continue to list all alumnae/i, faculty, staff, and emeritae/i who have died since the printing of the previous issue and of whom we have received official notification on the In Memoriam page of the magazine.


    Class Year Class Notes Rep Email Phone
    1946 Pat Falconer Weldon pat19weldon@yahoo.com (757) 258-2695
    1947 *Refer to the message below
    1948 Lillian Rifkin Davis lildavis923@gmail.com (410) 732-6622
    1949 *Refer to the message below
    1950 *Refer to the message below
    1951 *Refer to the message below
    1952 Joan Marti Uht joanuht@verizon.net (301) 718-2026
    1953 Barbara Michaels Weinstock barbaraweinstock@comcast.net (443) 708-1905
    1954 *Refer to the message below
    1955 *Refer to the message below
    1956 Sue Davis Emory vermontsue@aol.com  
    1957 Judy Barrett brjbarrett@aol.com  
    1958 Dotsy Dick Stuart Dstuart11@aol.com (310) 459-2237
    1959 Pam Hanke pamhanke@yahoo.com  
    1960 Jane Hammann Taft taft.jane@gmail.com (503) 709-3185
    1961 Linda Potter Whitehurst lindawhitehurst@verizon.net (410) 561-3630
    1962 Midge Berson    
    1963 Linda Cangin Bennett lbgcbennett@gmail.com (443) 949-9900
    1964 Isabel Gallant Strasser isabelgal121@yahoo.com (845) 300-5946
    1965 Edie Giese Coleman edith.coleman@aol.com (302) 697-2701
    1966 Margaret Warden margswarden@gmail.com (443) 578-8455
    1967 Sally Wall SNWall4@msn.com (410) 252-6074
    1968 Jinny Muse Fleischman veflei@aol.com (202) 251-7404
    1969 Lucy Hadsall Hedrick lucy@lucyhedrick.com (203) 561-9590
    1970 Beth Rankin Kilss bakilss@gmail.com (703) 451-7240
    1971 Sandra Cohen Kornblit skornblit@gmail.com  
    1972 Kathy Allamong Jacob, Ph.D. kathrynajacob@gmail.com (857) 350-3663
    1973 Maureen Daly maureen.daly4@gmail.com (410) 235-1669
    1974 *Refer to the message below
    1975 *Refer to the message below    
    1976 *Refer to the message below
    1977 Barbara Martensson    
    1978 Barbara Ruble bruble@stcenv.com (410) 625-1952
    1979 Alexandra Ranck King sandyking@verizon.net (302) 234-1055
    1980 Leslie Swike Bravo calbravo3@gmail.com (410) 838-9405
    1981 Sheryl Denny   (410) 363-3273
    1982 Nance Smithwick    
    1983 Bea Betancourt Hardy bbh685@gmail.com  
    1984 Sherri Bassner sherribassner@yahoo.com (484) 838-0305
    1985 *Refer to the message below
    1986 Lisa Wachstein Alpert lbalpert1@yahoo.com (407) 461-6344
    1987 Kristin Powell Strong mmeforte@verizon.net (410) 377-6047
    1988 Natalie Frank Steen nsblackthorn@msn.com (410) 643-3881
    1989 Laura Zelley Van Riper lauravr1@gmail.com (443) 340-5467
    1990 Suzanne Guiry Schwartz 6of7sps@gmail.com   
    1991 Dr. Risa Gorelick-Ollom risa.gorelick@gmail.com  
    1992 Allison Banbury allisonbanbury@gmail.com (443) 286-4146
    1993 *Refer to the message below
    1994 Jennifer Summers jsummers451@yahoo.com (410) 372-0604
    1995 Odette Ramos odette.ramos25@gmail.com  
    1996 Toby Fingeroth Weiser tobyF@cox.net (401) 289-0439
    1997 Alexis Santoro    
    1998 Meredith Nash mere.nash@gmail.com  
    1999 Adam Badik aebadik@gmail.com (805) 300-4022
    2000 Lydia Newman LYDS47@aol.com (410) 905-6304
    2001 *Refer to the message below
    2002 Meredith Smith -- *Please contact the Office of Alumnae/i Affairs for contact info.
    2003 *Refer to the message below
    2004 Andrew Packard darl.a.packard@gmail.com (443) 801-2024
    2005 Tom Myers tmyers@dcvg-cn.com  
    2006 Alex Wood aowood@gmail.com (202) 557-6827
    2007 Lisa Gulian lisa.gulian@gmail.com  
    2008 Meredith Edelstein meredithschmidt@hotmail.com (978) 387-5187
    2009 *Refer to the message below
    2010 Claire Roche & Royce DuBiner clairemroche@gmail.com rdubiner@gmail.com  
    2011 Jessica Fugate jefugate1@gmail.com (443) 425-6995
    2012 *Refer to the message below
    2013 *Refer to the message below
    2014 *Refer to the message below
    2015 *Refer to the message below
    2016 Sarah Levin sarahlevin001@gmail.com (757) 679-3849
    2017 *Refer to the message below
    2018 *Refer to the message below
    2019 *Refer to the message below
    2020 Yinesha Taylor
    2021 Olivia O'Neil


    (List updated 10/9/23)

    *Don’t see a class notes rep listed for your class?

    If you would like to serve as your class notes representative, please contact the Office of Alumnae/i Affairs at alumni@dcvg-cn.com or 410-337-6181. Any class without a representative can submit their notes directly using the Share Your News form.